What is the Impact of Moving Your Blog to HubSpot?

Moving your blog to HubSpot is very advantageous. However, there are a few things to consider and plan for.


Moving your blog to HubSpot can have both positive and negative impacts on your SEO, depending on how you handle the migration and optimization process. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. URL structure: When migrating your blog to HubSpot, it's important to ensure that the URL structure remains the same or is redirected properly to the new URLs. Any changes to the URL structure can negatively impact your SEO, as it may cause your existing pages to return 404 errors and lose their ranking positions.

  2. Content optimization: HubSpot offers many SEO tools and features, such as keyword research, content optimization recommendations, and page performance metrics. Properly optimizing your blog content using these tools can help improve your SEO and increase your ranking positions in search engines.

  3. Page speed: HubSpot provides fast and reliable hosting, which can improve your blog's page loading speed. Fast-loading pages can improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, and positively impact your SEO.

  4. Mobile optimization: HubSpot's templates and themes are designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, which is critical for SEO. Mobile-friendly websites rank better in search engine results pages (SERPs) and provide a better user experience for mobile users.

  5. Duplicate content: If you're migrating content from an existing blog to HubSpot, you need to make sure you avoid duplicate content. Duplicate content can negatively impact your SEO, as it may confuse search engines and cause them to devalue or ignore your content.

How does Google view Subdomains?

Google generally views subdomains as separate entities from the main domain, and they are treated as separate websites regarding indexing and ranking. This means that a subdomain can have its own SEO considerations and may be ranked differently from the main domain.

However, it's important to note that Google also considers the relationship between the primary domain and the subdomain. If the content on the subdomain is closely related to the content on the main domain, Google may still consider it part of the same website, and the authority of the main domain may transfer to the subdomain.

In general, if you are considering using a subdomain for your website, it's essential to ensure that the content on the subdomain is high-quality and relevant to the main website and that the subdomain is correctly optimized for search engines.

How does Google view 301-Redirects?

Google views 301 redirects as a permanent move from one URL to another. When Googlebot crawls a webpage and encounters a 301 redirect, it understands that the page has moved permanently to a new URL and will update its index accordingly.

Here are some things to keep in mind when using 301 redirects:

  • Preserve ranking: A 301 redirect can transfer the ranking power of the old URL to the new URL, helping to maintain your website's SEO and rankings.
  • Pass link juice: A 301 redirect also passes the link juice (i.e., the value of external links pointing to the old URL) to the new URL, which can further boost its ranking potential.
  • Avoid duplicate content: If you have multiple versions of a webpage with different URLs, a 301 redirect can help avoid duplicate content issues by consolidating them into a single URL.
  • Use sparingly: While 301 redirects can be helpful for SEO, it's important not to overuse them. Too many redirects can slow down your website's loading speed and make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index your content.

Overall, when used correctly, 301 redirects can be a valuable tool for managing your website's SEO and ensuring that users and search engines can easily access your content. Here is a HubSpot Knowledge base article explaining how HubSpot handles 301 redirects. 

How long does it take to re-index your site?

The time it takes for Google to reindex a site can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of the site, the frequency of changes, and the quality of the website's content. In general, Google will recrawl and reindex a site within a few days to a few weeks after making changes.

However, it's important to note that Google doesn't guarantee a specific timeframe for reindexing a site. The process can take longer if Google's crawl budget for your site is limited, if there are technical issues that prevent Google from accessing and crawling your site, or if there are issues with the quality or relevance of your content.

To help speed up the reindexing process, you can use tools like Google Search Console to submit a sitemap and request a recrawl of specific pages or sections of your site.

At ManoByte, we have migrated hundreds of blogs to the HubSpot Platform successfully. We follow best practices to ensure positive results. We also want to set realistic expectations that sometimes Google takes time to synch, and it is possible that you could see a dip in your rankings for a short period of time.